• Adenocarcinoma lung cancer
  • - Ana Salazar - Desconstrução reload
    Coleção de verão é repleta de desconstruções, vazados, recortes.
  • - Alexandre Herchcovitch - Balé de cores
    Uma coleção primorosa, tanto em cor quanto em modelagem.

Mask for Dry Skin

Mask for Dry Skin

A list of materials:
- Half a tablespoon of Maya
- Half soup spoon Honey
- 1 soup spoon Milk
- 1 egg yolk
- 1 tea spoon Almond oil

The Making of the Age Mayan Mask for Dry Skin:
- Put a mixture of yeast, milk and milk in a bowl.
- Add honey, egg yolk, almond oil after the yeast has melted.
- Mix all the materials and put them into paste.
- Clean your skin with a mask.
Wait 15-20 minutes.
- Wash your face with plenty of warm water.
- Dry with a disposable towel.

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Acne scar treatment

Acne scars

There are many creams and solutions on the market to be able to reduce the appearance and texture of acne scars or claim. The problem is that the scars from acne, specifically for acne in many ways, while most of these attempts scar creams basic creams scar or stretch marks creams, as the treatment of acne scars want to make.

There are many differences between scars and normal scars, but for the purpose of this discussion we want to focus on what is necessary for the treatment and removal of acne scars. Acne scars require you to treat both discoloration and uneven nature of the pitting of the skin. To do this, that a scar cream to the ingredients needed to deliver a strong enough dose to effectively treat both aspects ... Discoloration and texture included.

To make it easier for you, we have the time to break a number of ingredients that have been shown to effectively reduce acne scars removed. We have one step further by integrating them into two groups on the aspect of acne scars, they are taken to heal basis. Here are the details.

REMOVE discoloration or "pinched" appearance

Niacinamide - These natural ingredients has become a discoloration and prevent acne to remove. First noticed by the New York University College of Medicine as the leading topical prescription drug for the treatment of acne. However, it is the anti-inflammatory properties that come into play here in the reduction of redness, bruising and inflammation, usually downwards.

Asafetida Root Extract - This ingredient is focused on the removal of pigmented spots on the skin. No harsh chemical like so many of the "whitening of the skin" treatments on the market with things like kojic acid or hydroquinone (very dangerous articles). This drug clears the skin by removing natural hyperpigmentation. This reduces the visibility of acne scars and completes the treatment of acne in this regard.

Uneven texture or pitting of the skin

Collaxyl - This peptide forces the skin to heal itself. She directs a message to the regeneration of skin cells trigger. The studies are so impressive Collaxyl has proven completely dead skin cells (scientists repeatedly tore the skin on the damage caused by repeated outbreaks simulate) in less than 72 hours to revive. The results were so impressive on dead skin, you can only imagine that the results only partially damaged cells.

Panthenol (pro-vitamin B5) - This ingredient helps in the healing of skin tissue, while further stimulating cell regeneration. Commonly known as the Beautifier vitamin, it helps not only in cellular healing moistened, it calms irritation and what the effective removal of stains.

Wild Rose oil (Rosa Marqueta) - Known in the industry, scar removal, rosehip oil from a rose bud in the mountains of Chile found. His ability to regenerate skin cells and quickly grow new skin, it has been used for years in the healing of scars. Its naturally high in vitamin C content, it is a great source for the health of the skin and soothe the irritated tissue.

Acai Berry Extract - Acai is used in many aspects of nursing and general physical health. This antioxidant is used to increase the speed of healing damaged tissue. With soothing and improving cellular health, which is damaged or scar tissue to heal in a position more quickly.

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Lung cancer screening

Checkups are the people for early stages of a disease before they have symptoms. Can be carried out before screening for any type of cancer, physicians must have an accurate and reliable tests to use. The test has a grip on cancer, that it reliably. And it should not produce false positive results. A false positive result means a test that makes it look as if cancer could be present if it is not.

At the moment there is no national screening program for lung cancer in the UK. Should be introduced for the screening, we need a test that's easy, fast, not too expensive and not harmful. It is always cheaper screen people at high risk, but as all the screen. For lung cancer are the people who smoke have an increased risk. So many studies to see whether screening smokers makes sense.

Lung cancer is often picked up on chest x-ray. But by the time of diagnosis, in this way, it is often quite advanced. Researchers are trying other screening tests that help diagnose lung cancer earlier find. They are called a spiral CT scan and looking for a particular type of bronchoscopy for people at high risk for lung cancer.

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Adenocarcinoma lung cancer

An overview of adenocarcinoma lung cancer 
Adenocarcinoma is one of the most complicated forms of lung cancer from his lung metastases in different regions and thus a serious impairment of lung function. Each tumor has seen its clinical importance because of its nature and place, in this case, the adenocarcinoma of the lung as a truly critical and requires extensive clinical measures to help patients recover from this deadly cancer.

While briefly explain the characteristics of adenocarcinoma of the lung, oncologists term it as a metastasis. In view of this special quality of metastases to the cancer cells spread to different regions of the lung blood vessels, lymph nodes or direct invasion of tissue structures. The oncologists conduct extensive clinical work-up and investigations on the origin, the extent of metastases and foci involving the entire lung or part of the lung / lung or the involvement of different organs must be delineated. Due to the nature of the structures spread to other organs, in women, there are studies that will determine the status of the uterus and ovaries in addition to studying the spread to other organs performed.

Adenocarcinoma of the lung has the most complex metastatic process, and because of his conduct of its spread, the clinical approach thus represents a chemotherapy, radiotherapy and supportive therapy.
It is notable that the adenocarcinoma of the lung is among pulmonary neoplasms, the epithelial origin should be mentioned together, unlike hemangiomas, etc. The pulmonary adenocarcinoma is a malignant neoplasm.
Patients with adenocarcinoma of the lung are signs of intense pain, the experience of some shortness of breath, dyspnea and cough. These are the characters who exist in a patient who has not yet been diagnosed with cancer of the lungs, and if have not subsided after the therapy, the symptoms, then the patient in a clinical oncologist referred to exclude conditions such as this type of lung cancer .

Because therapy for adenocarcinoma of the lung, a specific course of treatment includes surgery and, depending on the extent of metastases in the course of treatment, patients are also special diets, as well as novel therapies that given laser beam radiation therapy, etc. The remission of adenocarcinoma depends on how early how early the cancer is diagnosed and the patient has started to receive chemotherapy and related treatment planning by clinical oncologists and also depend on the patient's health status, to carry the toxic effects of therapy. To overcome this deadly disease, the physician and the patient has to work as a team to fight the battle against this terrible disease.

The treatment regimen that is followed in patients with adenocarcinoma of the lung often a combination of chemotherapy drugs such as cyclophosphamide + lomustine + methotrexate, in which the response rate is 14-38%, hexamethylmelamine + doxorubicin, and methotrexate (13% -32%), methotrexate + doxorubicin + cyclophosphamide + lomustine (13% -24%), cyclophosphamide + doxorubicin + cisplatin (0-36%), cyclophosphamide + bleomycin + cisplatin (20%), mitomycin C + vinblastine + cisplatin (26% -33%), cyclophosphamide + doxorubicin + etoposide + cisplatin (29%) and vindesine, and cisplatin (33%). These therapies are considered for different patients with different clinical presentations of lung adenocarcinoma.

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Lung cancer survival rate

Every year more people die together in the United States from lung cancer than breast, prostate and colon cancer. In 2005 there were 159 217 reported deaths from lung cancer in the United States. While lung cancer worldwide prevalence is lower than in the U.S. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the world. About 1.3 million people die from the disease each year.
The high mortality rate associated with lung cancer are partly due to the fact that it is very difficult to treat. For this reason, lung cancer survival rate is rather low. Below is an overview of cancer survival by time, amount of tumor progression and the type of lung cancer. 

Total Lung Cancer Survival Stats
The survival rates for lung cancer, depending on the type of cancer diagnosed each diagnosed and how early in the progression of the disease. Estimated overall survival rate for all patients with lung cancer (regardless of the type of cancer and cancer stage) are estimated:

    15 percent survival rate five years after diagnosis
    5 per cent survival rate 10 years after diagnosis

By the tumor stage at diagnosis, survival rates are estimated at:

    70 to 80 percent for stage 0 patients
    50 percent for stage I patients
    30 percent for stage II patients
    15 percent for patients with stage III
    Less than 2 percent for Stage IV patients

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Small Cell Lung Cancer vs.
In general, patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) diagnosed with a better prognosis than those with the more aggressive small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) is diagnosed. NSCLC accounts for about 85 percent of all lung cancer cases. The 5-year survival rates for NSCLC are estimated:

    Stage 1A patients: 49 percent
    Level 1B patients: 45 percent `
    Stage IIA patients: 30 percent
    Stage IIB patients: 31 percent
    Stage IIIA patients: 14 percent
    Stage IIIB patients: five percent (median survival time of 13 months)
    Stage IV cancer patients: 1 percent (median survival time of eight months)

In comparison, the overall 5-year survival rate for patients with small cell lung cancer is diagnosed estimated at around six percent. With treatment, the median survival time for patients with SCLC is given six to 12 months. Patients in the former tend to be diagnosed with limited stage have a better prognosis. 

Lung Cancer Survival: Worldwide United States vs. Facts
Lung cancer patients in the United States have longer median survival than patients in other countries. The 5-year survival rate in Europe is only about 8 percent. The estimated survival rate for the whole world is also estimated somewhere around eight percent.
Compensation information for people with lung cancer in our FREE Lung Cancer Information Packet or call toll free 1-800-998-9729 diagnosed.

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Baby acne pictures

Baby acne pictures :(

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Rubbing alcohol acne

A lot of people believe that rubbing alcohol is fine, as used at home acne treatment if their acne and want the most recommend using it for a toner, but what they do not know is that rubbing alcohol can actually be bad for your skin, and most of the time, not work.

Some interesting bits of information!

- Rubbing alcohol will not clear your skin!
- Other side effects may even aggravate your acne!

If you have other things to acne, treatment may delay or rubbing alcohol does not cause the treatment to work. Why would you waste time and money if you are on a different treatment.

Do not use topical treatments with alcohol!

If you wash your face with rubbing alcohol rather than want, what you should do, is a toner that not all alcohol. There are many of toners on the market at affordable prices to help you. Before you get to the toner, check the reviews on the internet and make sure that it is recommend a product.

I personally recommend Alba Hibiscus toner. It works very well!

Final Face Wash Tips
There is one important thing that you should always remember, if you are washing over your face. Always make sure that you have clean hands and that you no dirt in your nails. It is really easy to forget to check your nails sometimes, become aware.

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